天猫mendio mendix

曾文先,1962年生,四川新都人。博导,教授。陕西省政府特聘专家,2010年入选陕西省“人才计划”,西北农林科技大学第三届学术委员会委员,西北农林科技大学“双一流”建设“动物生物技术学科群”PI(Principle Investigator,学术带头人)。









1987.07 – 1991.11 助教,四川农业大学畜牧系

1991.12 – 1995.11 讲师,四川农业大学动物科技学院

1995.12 – 2009.06 副教授,四川农业大学动物科技学院

2001.04 – 2003.04 博士后,日本广岛大学,美国杜兰大学细胞及分子生物学系

2003.04 – 2009.08 博士后,特别研究员,美国宾夕法尼亚大学生殖细胞及转基因动物研究中心

2009.05.至今教授 博士生导师,西北农林科技大学动物科技学院

2015.08-2016.02 特聘教授,日本广岛大学生物圈研究科





1、基因编辑: 利用CRISPR/Cas9 等技术编辑基因。


3、动物生殖细胞工程: 主要研究精原干细胞的增殖与分化的表观调控机理。

重点研究非编码RNA(microRNA,piRNA,long-noncoding RNA等)对精原干细胞的增殖与分化的影响及其作用机理;研究DNA甲基化及组蛋白甲基化表观修饰调节精原干细胞增殖与分化的分子机理。
















1、国家重点研发计划项目:“高产种猪高效安全养殖技术应用与示范” (主持课题一“标准化猪人工授精技术体系构建”,执行时间2018.06-2020.12年,项目的编号2018YFD0501000)(225万)

2、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目课题: “精子发生成熟的遗传和表观遗传调控研究”,子课题主持人;(执行时间2014-2018年, 批准号2014CB943100) (104万)


4、主持国家自然科学基金面向项目:猪精原干细胞增殖与分化的表观修饰调节机理 (2013-2016年,批准号31272439)(80万)




8、主持教育部博士点基金项目(博导类):“甲基化修饰对猪精原干细胞的自我更新与分化的调节作用” (执行时间2014-2016年,批准号207) (12万)

9、主持陕西省“人才计划”科研基金,“精原干细胞增殖与分化的机理”, 2010-2013 (50万)

10、主持西北农林科技大学2015年度试验示范站(基地)科技成果推广专项:肉羊多羔性状早期选育技术研究与示范 (TGZX2015-33)(7万)





六、 近年发表的部分SCI文章(* 通讯作者)

1、Zhu Z#, Li R, Feng C, Liu R, Zheng Y, Hoque SAM, Wu D, Lu H, Zhang T*, Zeng W*、Exogenous oleic acid and palmitic acid improve boar sperm motility via enhancing mitochondrial β-oxidation for ATP generation、Animals(Basel) 2020; 10(4), 591.(IF=1.832, 中科院2020升级版大类2区; JCR Q1)

2、Huang T, Liu Z, Zheng Y, Feng T, Gao Q, Zeng W*、YTHDF2 promotes spermagonial adhesion through modulating MMPs decay via m6A/mRNA pathway、Cell Death & Disease、2020 Jan 20;11(1):37、doi: 10.1038/s41419-020-2235-4、(IF=5.959,中科院大类2区)

3、Zhang P, Zheng Y, Lv Y, Li F, Su L, Qin Y, Zeng W*、Melatonin protects the mouse testis against heat-induced damage、Molecular Human Reproduction、2020 Jan 16、pii: gaaa002、doi: 10.1093/molehr/gaaa002、(IF=3.396,中科院大类2区)

4、Li T, Chen Q, Zheng Y, Zhang P, Chen X, Lu J, Lv Y, Sun S*, Zeng W*、PAMAM-cRGD mediating efficient siRNA delivery to spermatogonial stem cells、Stem Cell Research & Therapy、2019 Dec 18;10(1):399、doi: 10.1186/s13287-019-1506-4、(IF=4.627,中科院大类2区)

5、Liu Y, Zhang Y, Yin J, Gao Y, Li Y, Bai D, He W, Li X, Zhang P, Li R, Zhang L, Jia Y, Zhang Y, Lin J, Zheng Y, Wang H, Gao S, Zeng W*, Liu W*、Distinct H3K9me3 and DNA methylation modifications during mouse spermatogenesis、Journal of Biological Chemistry、2019 Dec 6;294(49):18714-18725、doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.010496、Epub 2019 Oct 29、(IF=4.106,中科院大类2区)

6、Huang T, Guo J, Lv Y, Zheng Y, Feng T, Gao Q, Zeng W*、Meclofenamic acid represses spermatogonial proliferation through modulating m6A RNA modification、Journal of Animal Science & Biotechnology、2019 Jul 11;10:63、doi: 10.1186/s40104-019-0361-6、eCollection 2019、(IF=3.441,中科院大类1区)

7、Zhu Z#, Kawai T, Umehara T, Hoque SAM, Zeng W*, Shimada M*、Negative effects of ROS generated during linear sperm motility on gene expression and ATP generation in boar sperm mitochondria、Free Radical Biological Medicine 2019;141: 159-171、
doi.org/10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2019.06.018 (IF=5.657,中科院大类2区;TOP期刊)

8、Zhu Z#, Umehara T#, Okazaki T, Goto M, Fujita Y, Hoque SAM, Kawai T, Zeng W*, Shimada M*、Gene Expression and Protein Synthesis in Mitochondria Enhance the Duration of High-Speed Linear Motility in Boar Sperm、Frontiers in Physiology、2019;10: 252、(IF=3.201,中科院大类2区)

9、Zhu Z, Li R, Lv Y, Zeng W*、Melatonin protects rabbit spermatozoa from cryo-damage via decreasing oxidative stress、Cryobiology、2019 Jun;88:1-8、doi:
10.1016/j.cryobiol.2019.04.009、Epub 2019 Apr 26.

10、Yan H, Gao Y, Ding Q, Liu J, Li Y, Jin M, Xu H, Ma S, Wang X, Zeng W*, Chen Y*、Exosomal micro- RNAs derived from dermal papilla cells mediate hair follicle stem cell proliferation and differentiation、International Journal of Biological Science、2019 May 20;15(7):1368-1382、doi: 10.7150/ijbs.33233、eCollection 2019.

11、Huang T, Gao Q, Feng T, Zheng Y, Guo J, Zeng W*、FTO Knockout Causes Chromosome Instability and G2/M Arrest in Mouse GC-1 Cells、Frontiers in Genetics、2019 Jan 21;9:732、doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00732、eCollection 2018.(IF: 4.141)

12、Wen J, Lv Y, Xu Y, Zhang P, Li H, Chen X, Li X, Zhang L, Liu F*, Zeng W* and Sun S*、Construction of a biodegradable, versatile nanocarrier for optional combination cancer therapy、Acta Biomater、2019 Jan 1;83:359-371、doi:
10.1016/j.actbio.2018.11.009、Epub 2018 Nov 7.(IF: 6.383)

13、Zhu Z#, Li R, Ma G, Bai W, Fan X, Lv Y, Luo J, Zeng W*、5′-AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Regulates Goat Sperm Functions via Energy Metabolism In Vitro、Cell Physiology & Biochemistry、2018;47: 2420-2431.(IF=5.5,中科院大类2区,小类1区;TOP期刊)

14、Wang X, Zhang P, Li L, Che D, Li T, Li H, Li Q, Jia H, Tao S, Hua J, Zeng W, Liao M、miRNA editing landscape reveals miR-34c regulated spermatogenesis through structure and target change in pig and mouse、Biochem Biophys Res Commun、2018 Aug 25;502(4):486-492、doi:
10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.05.197、Epub 2018 Jun 5.(IF: 2.559)

15、Deng Z, Zhang S, Gu S, Ni X, Zeng W*, Li X*、Useful Bicistronic Reporter System for Studying Poly(A) Site-Defining cis Elements and Regulation of Alternative Polyadenylation、International Journal Molecular Science、2018, 19, 279; doi:10.3390/ijms19010279 (IF=3.73)

16、Lv Y, Zhang P, Guo J, Zhu Z, Li X, Xu D, Zeng W*、Melatonin protects mouse spermatogonial stem cells against hexavalent chromium-induced apoptosis and epigenetic histone modification、Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology、2018;340:30-38、
doi:10.1016/j.taap.2017.12.017 (IF=3.791)

17、Zhang P, Chen X, Zheng Y, Zhu J, Qin Y, Lv Y, Zeng W*、Phospholipase D family member 6(PLD6) is a surface marker for enrichment of undifferentiated spermatogonia in pre-pubertal boars、Stem cell & Development、2018; 27(1):55-64 doi: 10.1089/scd.2017.0140、Epub 2017 Dec 6.(IF=”3.562)”

18、Chang Y#, Lu Y#, Wei P, Zhang P, Pu L, Chen X, Yang K, Li X, Lu Y, Hou C, Pei Y*, Zeng W*, Pei Z*、Multifunctional glyco nanofibers: siRNA induced supermolecular assembly for co-delivery in vivo、Advanced Functional Materials 2017; 27:1703083、
doi/10.1002/adfm.201703083/full(#共同一作, IF=”12.124)

19、Liu T, Chen X, Li T, Li X, lyu Y, Fan X, Zhang P, Zeng W*、Histone methyltransferase SETDB1 maintains survival of mouse spermatogonial stem/progenitor cells via PTEN/AKT/FOXO1 pathway、Biochimica et Biophysica Acta(BBA) – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms、2017:1860(10):1094-1102(IF=”5.018)

20、Chen X, Che D, Zhang P, Li X, Yuan Q, Liu T, Guo J, Feng T, Wu L, Liao M, He Z, Zeng W*、Profiling of miRNAs in porcine germ cells during spermatogenesis、Reproduction、2017;154(6) 789-798, doi: 10.1530/REP-17-0441.(IF=”3.10)

21、Zhang P, Chen X, Zheng Y, Zhu J, Qin Y, Lv Y, Zeng W*、Long-term propagation of porcine undifferentiated spermatogonia、Stem cell & Development、2017; 26(15): 1121-1131.(IF=”3.562)

22、Zhu Z; Ren Z, Fan X, Pan Y, Lv S, Pan C, Lei A, Zeng W*、Cysteine protects rabbit spermatozoa against reactive oxygen species-induced damages、PLoS One、2017; 12(7): e0181110、Published online 2017 Jul 10、doi:

23、Zhu Z, Fan X, Pan Y, Lu Y, Zeng W*、Trehalose improves rabbit sperm quality during cryopreservation、Cryobiology、2017; 75:45-51、

24、Zhu Z, Fan X, Lv Y, Lin Y, Wu D, Zeng W*、Glutamine protects rabbit spermatozoa against oxidative stress via glutathione synthesis during cryopreservation、Reproduction, Fertility and Development、2017;29(11):2183-2194.、DOI: 10.1071/RD17020.(IF=”2.656)

25、Liu T, Zhang P, Li T, Chen X, Zhu Z, Lyu Y, Li X, Tian X, Zeng W*、SETDB1 plays an essential role in maintenance of gonocyte survival in pigs、Reproduction、2017; 154:23-34、doi: 10.1530/REP-17-0107.(IF=”3.10)

26、Chen X, Li X, Guo J, Zhang P, Zeng W*、The roles of microRNAs in regulation of mammalian spermatogenesis、Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology、2017; 8: 35; 779-786、doi:

27、Yu S, Zhang P, Dong W, Zeng W, Pan C、Identification of stem leydig cells derived from pig testicular interstitium、Stem Cells International、2017; 2740272.doi: 10.1155/2017/2740272.(IF=”3.54)

28、Zeng W, Alpaugh W, Stefanovski D, Schlingmann K, Dobrinski I and Turner RM、Xenografting of isolated equine(Equus caballus) testis cells results in de novo morphogenesis of seminiferous tubules but not spermatogenesis、Andrology、2017; 5:336-47、doi: 10.1111/andr.12308.(IF=”2.43)

29、Umehara T, Kawashima I, Kawai T, Hoshino Y, Morohashi KI, Shima Y, Zeng W, Richards JS, Shimada M、Neuregulin 1 Regulates Proliferation of Leydig cells to support spermatogenesis and sexual behavior in adult mice、Endocrinology、2016;157:4899-4913.(IF=”4.16)

30、An J,Qin J, Wan Y,Zhang Y,Hu Y,Zhang C,Zeng W*、Histone lysine methylation exhibits a distinct distribution during spermatogenesis in pigs、Theriogenology、2015; 84:1455-62.(IF=”1.80)

31、Qin J,Xu H,Zhang P,Zhang C,Zhu Z,Qu R,Qin Y,Zeng W*、An efficient strategy for generation of transgenic mice by lentiviral transduction of male germline stem cells in vivo、Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology、2015; 6: 59.(IF=”1.68)

32、Zhu Z, Fan X, Lv Y, Zhang N, Fan C, Zhang P, Zeng W*、Vitamin E analogue improves rabbit sperm quality during the process of cryopreservation through its antioxidative action、PloS One 2015; 10.e0145383.(IF=”3.23)

33、Xu H, Qin J, Zhang K, Zeng W*、Dynamic expression profile of DNA methyltransferases in rat testis development、Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences、2015; 18:549-556.(IF=0.60)

34、An J, Zhang X, Qin J, Wan Y, Hu Y, Liu T, Li J, Dong W, Du E, Pan C, Zeng W*、The histone methyltransferase ESET is required for the survival of spermatogonial stem/progenitor cells in mice、Cell Death & Disease、2014; 5, e1196;

35、Zheng Y, Zhang Y, Qu R, He Y, Tian X,Zeng W*、Spermatogonial Stem Cells from Domestic Animals: Progress and Prospects、Reproduction、2014; 147:R65-74(doi: 10.1530/REP-13-0466).(IF=3.26)

36、Zheng Y, He Y, An J, Qin J, Zhang Y, Tian X, Zeng W*、THY1 is a surface marker of porcine gonocytes、Reproduction, Fertility and Development、2014; 26:533-9.(doi: 10.1071/RD13075)、(IF=2.58)

37、Zeng W, Tang L, Bondareva A, Luo J, Megee SO, Modelski M, Blash S, Melican DT, Destrempes MM, Oerton SA, Gavin WG, Ayres S, Echelard Y, Dobrinski I、Viral transduction of male germline stem cells results in transgene transmission after germ cell transplantation in pigs、Biology of Reproduction、2013; 88(1):27,1-9(doi:
10.1095/biolreprod.112.104422)、(IF= 4.03)

38、He Z, Jiang J, Kokkinaki M, Tang L, Zeng W, Gallicano I, Dobrinski I, Dym M、MiRNA-20 and MiRNA-106a Regulate Spermatogonial Stem Cell Renewal at the Post-transcriptional Level via Targeting TAT3 and Ccnd1、Stem Cells、2013(doi: 10.1002/stem.1474) (IF= 7.701)

39、Zheng Y, Tian X, Zhang Y, Qin J, An J, Zeng W*、In vitro propagation of male germline stem cells from piglets、Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics、2013; 30:945-52.(doi: 10.1007/s10815-013-0031-0)(IF=”2.16)

40、Xu H, Xu Y, Liang X, Wang Y, Jin F, Liu D, Ma Y, Yuan H, Song X, Zeng W*、Porcine skeletal muscle differentially expressed gene ATP5B: molecular characterization, expression patterns, and association analysis with meat quality traits、Mammalian Genome、2013;24:142-50.(doi: 10.1007/s00335-013-9446-2) (IF= 2.42)

41、Lu Y, Xu D, Zhou J, Ma Y, Jiang Y, Zeng W*,Dai W*、Differential responses to genotoxic agents between induced pluripotent stem cells and tumor cell lines, Journal of Hematology & Oncology 2013, 6:71.(doi: 10.1186/1756-8722-6-71) (IF= 4.46)

42、Zeng W, Tang L, Bondareva A, Luo J, Blash S, Melican DT, Destrempes MM, Overton SA, Modelski M, Megee SM, Gavin WG , Ayres S, Echelard Y, Dobrinski I、Non-viral transduction of goat germline stem cells by nucleofection results in production of transgenic sperm after germ cell transplantation、Molecular Reproduction and Development 2012; 79:255-261(doi/10.1002/mrd.22014/pdf(第一,二作者贡献相同) (IF= 2.53)

43、Zeng W, Dobrnski I、Identification of spermatogonia by labeling for UCH-L1 in whole mounted seminiferous tubules、Molecular Reproduction and Development、2012; 79:161、(IF=2.53)

44、Turner RM、Zeng W、The Emerging pathophysiology of age-related testicular degeneration with a focus on the stallion and an update on potential therapies、Reproduction in Domestic Animals、2012; 47(suppl.4) :178-86(IF= 1.36)

45、Zeng W, Baumann C, Schmidtmann A, Honaramooz A, Tang L, Bondareva A, Dores C, Fan T, Xi S, Geiman T, Rathi R, de Rooij D, De La Fuente R, Muegge K, Dobrnski I、Lymphoid-Specific Helicase(HELLS) is essential for meiotic progression in mouse、Biology of Reproduction、2011; 84:1235-41、(IF= 3.87)

46、Turner R, Zeng W, Li Y, Dobrinski I、Paracrine factors from normal equine testicular tissue improve the condition of xenografts of degenerate testicular tissue、Animal Reproduction Science.2010;22:673-83、(IF= 1.56)

47、Turner R, Rathi R, Honaramooz A, Zeng W, Dobrinski I、Xenografting restores spermatogenesis to cryptorchid testicular tissue but does not rescue the phenotype of idiopathic testicular degeneration in the horse(Equus caballus)、Reproduction, Fertility and Development、2010;221:673-83.(IF=”2.66)

48、Zeng W, Megee SO, Snedaker AK, Rathi R, Chen F, Honaramooz A, Dobrinski I、Preservation and transplantation of porcine testis tissue、Reproduction, Fertility and Development、2009;21:489-497.(IF= 2.44)

49、Tang L*, Zeng W*, Clark RK, Dobrinski I、Characterization of the porcine testis-expressed gene 11(Tex11)、Spermatogenesis、2011;1:147-51(第一,二作者贡献相同)

50、Dong W, Zhang X, Yang C, Qin J, Song F, Zeng W*、Iridovirus Outbreak in Chinese Giant Salamanders, China, 2010、Emerging Infectious Deseases, 2011, 17(12):2388-2389.(IF= 6.79)

51、He Z, Kokkinaki M, Jiang J, Zeng W, Dobrinski I, Dym M、Isolation of human male germ-line stem cells using enzymatic digestion and magnetic-activated cell sorting、Methods Molecular Biology、2012; 825:45-57.

52、Arregui L, Rathi R, Modelski M, Zeng W, Roldan ER, Dobrinski I、Suppression of spermatogenesis before grafting increases survival and supports resurgence of spermatogenesis in adult mouse testis、Fertility and Sterility、2012;97(6):1422-9.(IF= 3.78)

53、Behboodi E, Bondareva A, Begin I, Rao K, Neveu N, Pierson JT, Wylie C, Piero FD, Huang YJ, Zeng W, Tanco V, Baldassarre H, Karatzas CN, Dobrinski I, Establishment of goat embryonic stem cells from in vivo produced blastocyst-stage embryos、Molecular Reproduction and Development、2011;78:202-11.(IF=”2.40)

54、Li M, Liu Y, Wang T, Guan J, Luo Z, Chen H, Wang X, Chen L, Ma J, Mu Z, Jiang A, Zhu L, Lang Q, Zhou X, Wang J, Zeng W, Li N, Li K, Gao X, Li W、Repertoire of porcine microRNAs in adult ovary and testis by deep sequencing、International Journal of Biological Sciences、2011; 7:1045-55.(IF= 3.22)

55、Zhang X, Chou W, Haig-Ladewig L, Zeng W, Cao W, Gerton G, Dobrinski I, Tseng H、BNC1 is required for maintaining mouse spermatogenesis、Genetics、2012;50:517-24.(IF= 4.01)

56、Tolkunova E, Malashichevaa A, Chikhirjina ЕV, Kostyleva EI, Zeng W, Luo J, Dobrinski I, Hierholzer А, Kemler R, Tomilin А、E-Cadherin as a Novel Surface Marker of Spermatogonial Stem cells、Cell and Tissue Biology、2009; 3:103-9.

57、Rathi R*, Zeng W*, Megee S, Conley A, Meyers S, Dobrinski I. Maturation of testicular tissue from infant monkeys after xenografting into mice. Endocrinology. 2008; 149(10):5288-96.(第一,二作者贡献相同)(IF= 5.05)

58、Honaramooz A, Megee S, Zeng W, Destrempes M, Overton S, Luo J, Galantino-Homer H, Modelski M, Chen F, Blash S, Melican D, Gavin W, Ayres S, Yang F, Wang J, Echelard Y, Dobrinski I. Adeno-associated virus(AAV)-mediated transduction of male germline stem cells results in transgene transmission after germ cell transplantation. The FASEB Journal(The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal). 2008; 22(2):374-82.(IF= 6.79)

59、Bailey J, Lessard C, Jacques J, Brèque C, Dobrinski I, Zeng W, Galantino-Homer H. Cryopreservation of boar semen and its future importance to the industry. Theriogenology 2008; 70:1251-9.(IF= 1.91)

60、Arregui L, Rathi R, Zeng W, Honaramooz A, Gomendio M, Roldan ERS, Dobrinski I. Xenografting of adult mammalian testis tissue. Animal Reproduction Science. 2008;106(1-2):65-76.(IF= 1.74)

61、Zeng W, Rathi R, Pan H, Dobrinski I. Comparison of global gene expression between porcine testis tissue xenografts and porcine testis in situ. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 2007; 74(6): 674-9.(IF= 2.38)

62、Zeng W, Avelar GF, Rathi R, Franca LR, Dobrinski I. The length of the spermatogenic cycle is conserved in porcine and ovine testis xenografts. Journal of Andrology. 2006; 27(4):527-33.(IF= 2.04)

63、Turner RM, Rathi R, Zeng W, Honaramooz A, Dobrinski I. Xenografting to study testis function in stallions. Animal Reproductive Science. 2006;94:161-4.(IF= 2.14)

64. Rathi R, Honaramooz A, Zeng W, Turner R, Dobrinski I. Germ cell development in equine testis tissue xenografted into mice. Reproduction. 2006;131(6):1091-8.(IF= 3.14)

65、Galantino-Homer HL, Zeng W, Megee SO, Dallmeyer M, Voelkl D. Dobrinski I. Effects of
2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin and cholesterol on porcine sperm viability and capacitation status following cold shock or incubation. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 2006; 73(5):638-50.(IF= 2.22)

66、Rathi R, Honaramooz A, Zeng W, Schlatt S, Dobrinski I. Germ cell fate and seminiferous tubule development in bovine testis xenografts. Reproduction. 2005;130(6):923-9.(IF= 3.14 )

67、Turner RM, Rathi R, Zeng W, Dobrinski I. Xenografting of degenerate stallion testis onto a mouse host does not rescue the testicular degeneration phenotype. Animal Reproductive Science. 2005;89(1-4):253-5.(IF= 2.14)

68、Zeng W, Terada T. Effects of methyl-beta-cyclodextrin on cryosurvival of boar spermatozoa. Journal of Andrology 2001;22(1):111-118.

69、Zeng W, Terada T. Protection of boar spermatozoa from cold shock damage by
2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin. Theriogenology 2001;55(2):615-27.

70、Zeng W, Shimada M, Terada T. Survival of boar spermatozoa frozen in diluents of varying osmolality. Theriogenology 2001;56(3):447-58.)

71、Zeng W, Terada T. Freezability of boar spermatozoa is improved by exposure to
2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2000;12(3-4):223-8.

72、Zeng W, Terada T. Effects of exposure to bovine follicular fluid before freezing on cryoresistance of boar spermatozoa. Animal Science Journal. 2001;72:291-8.

73、Shimada M, Zeng W, Terada T. Inhibition of PI-3 kinase or MEK leads to suppression of p34 cdc2 kinase activity and meiotic progression beyond the MI stage in porcine oocyte surrounded with cumulus cells. Biology of Reproduction. 2001;65:442-8.

74、Anas M-K I, Shimada M, Zeng W, Terada T. Meiotic maturation of bovine oocytes cultured in vitro with EGF and wortmannin. Journal of Mammal Ova Research. 2000;17(3):103-8.

75、Anas M-K I, Shimada M, Zeng W, Terada T. Wortmannin, a specific phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor, blocks in vitro fertilization and embryonic development of bovine oocytes matured in vitro with epidermal growth factor. Journal of Mammal Ova Research. 2000;17(3):109-14.

76、Shojo A, Shimada M, Zeng W, Terada T. Activation by stimuli of sperm penetration in bovine oocytes treated with higher concentration of BAPTA/AM. Journal of Mammal Ova Research. 2000;17(3):96-102.








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